This was a campaign created for Seattle Coffee co. in partnership with the South African Depression and Anxiety Group for October 2020; bringing attention to mental health during this difficult year. The integrated campaign consists of 4 elements; the sleeves, the loyalty program, the instore stress relievers, and the takehome merchandise - all ensuring that a holistic approach is taken to improving South Africans mental health for the future. 

The call to attention was to get the consumer to stop and think about their own Mental Health and to reach out and open up to others that might also be struggling. 

The patterns created could be used to create limited edition Seattle Coffee Co. sleeves for October- Mental Health Awareness month 2020. Each sleeve symbolizes a different mental health illness and could be designed using data collected from people who suffered from those illnesses during 2020. The key to understanding each pattern is on the reverse of the sleeve. Each pattern was inspired by traditional South African Shew Shew to bring mental health awareness to every one of our country's many cultures, in a form of pattern design that is loved by all. 
The campaign would begin on the first of October 2020 and would run for the month. The first step of the launch would be the implementation of Seattle hand sanitizers and posters throughout malls and at the entrance to Seattle stores. These touchpoints would encourage the acknowledgment of one's mental health and invite the customer to visit Seattle Coffee Company. Launch posters would also be placed inside Seattle stores, promoting the campaign. 
Upon reaching the counter customers would find postcards that explain more about the campaign. The postcards would ask the customers to choose their preferred sleeve for their beverage, helping reflect inner feelings to the outside world. 
The customer would receive a campaign serviette along with their purchase to help them throw away the 2020's 'crumby' moments. The coffee shop environment is the perfect place to promote mental health awareness os, not only does coffee hove o strong socializing culture- hence o culture for shoring, but it is also o port of many South Africans routine making Seattle Coffee Co. o place where people visit frequently. An instore campaign would hence create o doily reminder for people to reflect on how they are feeling. 
Upon purchasing their beverage the teller will hand over o 'Feel Buddy With A Buddy' loyalty card. Postcards will be mode available throughout the store telling customers more about the program. For the month of October a limited loyalty program will run, where when you purchase 5 drinks, you will get two free - promoting the idea of sharing with someone else, whether that is with coffee or with one's feelings. The program would hand out its own 2 cup carriers, which highlight the importance of not isolating oneself, neither physically nor emotionally.
Books, sponsored by Exclusive Books, will be scattered around Seattle coffee tables. These books range from self-help books to comics, nonfictions, and best sellers. The hope is that they will help provide stress relief to those feeling overwhelmed and remind them of the importance of taking a breather. Inside the book the customer will find a campaign bookmark which they can take home, reminding them to relax. All SADAG helplines are available on the reverse side. 
Mental Health is not something we should only be aware of for a month, but something that we should take seriously for the rest of our lives. As a result, the last two touchpoints for the campaign are for customers to take home and enjoy for months to come. The first is the limited edition 2020 Mental Health Keep Cup and the second is the Seattle signature blend infused with cinnamon to help improve mental health and relaxation. 
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